As 2023 approaches, a lot is happening in the political arena. People have started playing games; maneuvering, sidelining and peddling all sorts of lies and rumours, all in an attempt to disparage others and reposition themselves for 2023,

They are snipping to know who wears the crown in 2023 so that they can align properly.   Some of them who do not fear God see every evil thing they do as politics. This is why some people see politics as a dirty game, but politics is not dirty but the evil ones who sometimes outnumber the good ones make it look dirty.

This is why in Politics, you need to watch, pray and ask God to give you the wisdom and knowledge to distinguish between truth and falsehood, between genuine friends and hypocrites. They carry damaging falsehood to disparage others just for their selfish interests.

In fact, in politics, there are users and abusers. If we understand their threat, know how to pick them out of the crowd, and are wise to their methods and tactics, then and only then we can protect ourselves and our loved ones.  I have watched and listened to some of them talk and act. I have watched them work against friends and talk bad of friends.  I have seen them intimidate others because they hold some powers; I have equally seen some of them thriving through lies and fabricated tales to pull their fellow men down all in the name of playing politics.

Deltans should open their eyes very well and bear in mind that what we need as Deltans is a man that can fit into the shoes of our amiable Governor Ifeanyi Arthur Okowa and anything short of that will bring doom to this generation and generations yet unborn.

I have heard different stories being peddled by some politicians and some friends of politicians about what is happening in the State and how 2023 would be. Sometimes I wonder where they get those stories and who is fabricating them but realizing that the present administration under Senator, Dr. Ifeanyi Okowa is on its last lap, I discovered that some of those fake stories are coming from some politicians that are serving in this present administration but are already preparing to get another seat from the man that would take over in 2023, they prefer to be chameleonic in their actions.

The task before every responsible man or woman in the state is to pray to God to guide our Governor to continue to work in divine direction as he has always done. Let politicians not distract him with fake stories and rumours. We are still in 2022 and he is still working; he is still constructing roads. My street that the State Executive council approved is still waiting to be tarred so he should be allowed to concentrate so he completes the good work he started. Most importantly, they should stop taking his name to babalawos and self-acclaimed prophets and fortune tellers.

2023 is very critical to Deltans and those living in the state. If we are deceived and we get it wrong, posterity will not forgive us. Nigerians are regretting today because of the mistake they made in 2015 which we are all suffering today.

It is therefore pertinent that we put our knees on the ground and pray to God to direct us to the path that leads to greatness. Let the positions we are planning to get in 2023 or the money we are getting now because of our chameleonic behavior not becloud our sense of reasoning.

Let us bear in mind that God is still on His throne and nature will always take its course. As we watch politicians wrestle in the arena of political determination, let us pray that Delta State will continue in the part of progress and greatness in the years ahead.

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